Step 1: Launch the free OST Viewer application. In the Source File Selection dialog box, browse the OST file that you want to open.

Source File Selection dialog box

Step 2: Then, select the OST file and click the OK button.

Select the OST file

Step 3: Note: You can use the Search option to get the location of OST files in a specific drive.

'Search option' to get OST file location

Step 4: Once scanning procedure is completed, mailbox folders are displayed in the left panel in a tree-like structure.

Mailbox folders are displayed

Step 5: User can navigate through the folders listed in the left panel to view the content of the desired folders Inbox, Contacts, Calendar Items, Sent Items, and so on.

View the content of the desired folders

Step 6: To save the OST email list, click Save list information to HTML file button.

Save the OST email list

Step 7: To generate OST File Analysis Reports, click the required report type on the right pane. Then select the required folders and click Analyse.

Click the required report type

Step 8: The OST file Analysis Report will be generated instantly.

Generate OST File Analysis Reports
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