Step 1: Select Quick scan mode to recover lost/inaccessible data files from corrupt drive.

Select a scan mode to recover lost/inaccessible data files

Step 2: Select the drive (physical or logical drive) wherein you want to perform the recovery.

Select the drive (physical or logical drive)

Step 3: Recovery in progress. Searching all the lost/deleted files from the specified drive.

Searching all the lost/deleted files from the specified drive

Step 4: Select the files to preview its content. It allows full data preview within the software console.

Select the item to preview the files

Step 5: Use Find File(s) option to search specific type of files by entering specific file name or pattern (.docx, .xls). You can also save the searched results.

Find File(s) option to search specific type of files by entering specific file name or pattern

Step 6: Use Recovery Settings option to manage recovery for duplicate files and deleted files.

Recovery Settings option to manage recovery for duplicate files

Step 7: Provide the location where you want to restore the recovered files.

Restore the recovered files

Step 8: Saving in progress.

Saving in progress

Step 9: The recovered files are successfully saved using the demo version. However, you can save up to 2GB of data for free using the demo version.

The recovered files are successfully saved using the demo version.
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