Step 1: Click on Add zip file(s) on the very first screen.

Click on Add zip files

Step 2: Click on Add Zip file(s), to add the corrupted zip file.

Click on Add Zip files

Step 3: Select the corrupted zip file and click on Open.

Select the corrupted zip file

Step 4: After adding the file, click on OK.

After adding the file click on Ok

Step 5: Now, click on the Save to Disk option, shown in the upper left corner.

Shown on the upper left corner

Step 6: Now, select the desired location to save the file, by clicking on three dots (…).

Select the desired location to save the file

Step 7: Finalize the location for the file and click on OK.

Finalize the location for the file

Step 8: Finally, click on Save.

Finally, click on Save

Step 9: When the whole process is done, you will get the file details. Click on OK to finish.

After completing the process, click on Ok to finish
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