Step by step guide to Extract Attachment from Outlook.

Follow the simple steps to extract email attachments using Kernel Outlook Attachment Extractor:

Step 1: The home screen of Kernel Outlook Attachment Extractor.

Home screen of Kernel Outlook Attachment Extractor

Step 2: Select Add Source to add single/multiple offline OST and PST files simultaneously.

Select Add Source

Note- You can also upload your Outlook profile directly along with OST and PST file with the Add Outlook Profile option for attachments extraction.

upload your Outlook profile

Step 3: Select the source file (OST/PST) and click Open.

select ost or pst file

Step 4: Click on any email to get a preview of it and click on the Extract button, then select Attachments.

extract attachments from selective emails

Note- To extract attachments from selective emails, right-click on it and extract directly.

click on the Extract button

Step 5: Click on Browse to provide a saving location.

provide a saving location

Step 6: Create a folder by clicking on Make New Folder and hit OK.

 Make New Folder and hit OK

Step 7: Apply necessary filters and click Save.

Apply filters

Step 8: Success message will appear, click Done.

Success message will appear

Step 9: You will be redirected to the location provided in the above steps.

You will be redirected to the location provided

Extract Email addresses

Here are the steps to extract email addresses from OST file, PST file and Outlook Profile using Kernel Outlook Attachment Extractor:

Step 1: Welcome screen of Kernel Outlook Attachment Extractor tool.

Welcome screen of Kernel Outlook Attachment Extractor

Step 2: Select the Add Source option to upload single/multiple offline OST and PST files at once.

Add Source option

Note- You can also add your Outlook profile along with OST and PST file with the Add Outlook Profile option for email address extraction.

add your Outlook profile along with OST and PST file

Step 3: Select the source file(s) (OST/PST) and click Open.

Select the source file

Step 4: Click on any email to get a preview of it and click on the Extract button, then select Email Addresses.

Click on any email to get a preview

Note: To extract email addresses from selective emails, right-click on it and extract directly.

extract email addresses from selective emails

Step 5: Click on Browse to provide the desired saving location.

provide the desired saving location

Step 6: Create a folder by clicking on Make New Folder and hit OK.

Click to Create a New folder and press ok

Step 7: Click on the List button and all the email addresses will get listed in the Email Address found section, then click Save.

Note: With this option all the email addresses will get saved on one Excel sheet.

Email Address found section

Step 8: All email addresses are saved on the Excel sheet.

save your email addresses to Excel

Step 9: Select Extract with in the folder structure option and click Extract.

Note- With this option all the email addresses will get saved in their respective folders in an excel sheet.

Select Extract

Step 10: Click on any folder to preview saved email addresses.

Click on any folder to preview saved email addresses
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