Most recent news and updates of this year
Dec 26 New, better, and feature-rich version of Kernel Mac OLM Converter (23.0) is launched.

Kernel Data Recovery has brought latest features in its special software designed for Mac users. The new version of Kernel Mac OLM Converter 23.0 has upgraded itself with brand new features that will assist the quick and bigger conversion of OLM files.

It will convert multiple OLM files to PST format separately and effectively. Now, it shows the calendar items and migrates contacts, tasks, notes, etc. There are deeper enhancements in the software’s algorithm for email content conversion for HTML and RTF format. Explore product..

Nov 11 Kernel Data Recovery releases an enhanced and better version of Kernel Migrator for SharePoint.

The latest version of Kernel Migrator for SharePoint 22.5 has gotten all its features enhanced and more adaptive in managing all kinds of migration. The site pages of a website will move more quickly, and the same will happen with list/library folder items. Special attention has been given to cloud-based platforms, and now each migration with Google Drive, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams will move to different accounts more swiftly. Explore product..

Sep 27 A faster version of Kernel G Suite to Office 365 is launched

To help the users of both G Suite and Office 365, Kernel Data Recovery has updated its primary cloud migration software. Kernel G Suite to Office 365 has been updated with changes in its algorithm that connected with G Suite mailboxes quickly and migrate selected mailbox data to Office 365 faster. The migration speed has been enhanced expressively.

Due to enhancement in migration process, the software retrieves unlimited G Suite mailboxes more deeply and loads them quickly for mapping. Also, the tool handles multiple ongoing migration processes better as all will complete quickly and migrate unlimited mailboxes to Office 365. Explore product..

Sep 21 An Upgraded Version of Kernel Migrator for SharePoint Launched

The most recent version (22.4) of Kernel Migrator for SharePoint has many new capabilities that assist users in migrations. Due to the login wizard's simplification, SharePoint users can now connect with many sites more quickly. Improvements have been made to the connections to Google Drive personal accounts and public folders (with Outlook profiles). And now, there are numerous filters for chats, channel posts and tabs, etc., during the MS Teams migration. Explore product..

July 31 Kernel Migrator for SharePoint (Version 22.3) Released

A new version of Kernel Migrator for SharePoint gets released to improve the migration experience of users. It now can migrate SharePoint sites to destination exactly as they are in the source, with custom page designs, site logo, company custom logo, etc. Also, the tool now retains the source List & Library ID in the destination. And the tool offers smooth chat history migration in both login modes. Moreover, users can now migrate and back up personal Google Drive users. The tool is now more efficient after many bug fixes and algorithm improvements. So, it is one of the best SharePoint migration tools available in the market. Explore product..

July 13 Kernel for Lotus Notes to Outlook gets updated

Lotus Notes to Exchange/Outlook migrations are easier and smoother now with the release of Kernel for Lotus Notes to Outlook (22.4). It now supports bulk conversion of Notes/Domino NSF files with the use of a CSV file. Also, it supports all Unicode languages and system date/time formats during migration. The new version supports HCL Domino/Notes 12 version too. Overall, it is a better tool for Notes to Outlook migrations. Explore product..

July 13 Announces the release of Kernel Office 365 Backup (22.3)

Kernel Office 365 Backup (22.3) gets released with many improvements in user experience and performance. Using Basic Authentication, with MFA/ Modern authentication enabled, you can easily access Office 365 Groups now. Also, the Access Denied error is no more a problem for Office 365 users. With all these improvements, this Kernel Office 365 Backup has become an essential tool for Office 365 users. Explore product..

July 08 An updated version of Kernel Import PST to Office 365 is available

Kernel Import PST to Office 365 gets updated (version 22.3). The updated version has many new enhancements to improve the PST import experience of Office 365 users. Office 365 Groups can now be easily accessed (with the enabled MFA/Modern authentication) in Basic Authentication. Also, the ‘Office Access is Denied’ error is no more there while accessing it from the tool. The PST import process is more quick and efficient too. So, the latest updates make it a special tool for the PST import needs of Office 365 users. Explore product..

July 08 KME -Express Version (22.3) released

Kernel Migrator for Exchange -Express Edition (22.3) is now available with many improvements and enhancements. The new version offers easy Office 365 login as users won’t face any ‘access denied’ error. Office 365 Groups access is now available with Basic Authentication with MFA/ Modern authentication enabled for Office 365. The new feature enhancements and algorithm impartments make it an excellent tool for effortless Office 365 migrations. Explore product..

July 08 Kernel Office 365 Migration gets new enhancements

Kernel Office 365 Migration gets some enhancements and updates to meet the emerging Office 365 migration requirements. It now offers smoother Office 365 access without any access denying errors. Also, it gives access to Office 365 Groups in Basic Authentication, with MFA/Modern authentication enabled. Overall, it helps to achieve more efficient and precise Office 365 migrations. Explore product..

July 08 Kernel Office 365 Backup & Restore released with enhancements

The newly released version 22.3 of Kernel Office 365 Backup & Restore ensures quick and efficient backup/restore of Office 365 data. Now, users will not face any access denial errors. And Office 365 Groups backup/restore is easier as users can access them with Basic Authentication (with MFA/Modern attenuation enabled). The backup/restore process is more efficient and accurate too. With support for all Office 365 plans, it is a helpful tool for all Office 365 users. Explore product..

July 08 A new version for Office 365 Migrator for Lotus Notes

Kernel Office 365 Migrator for Lotus Notes is now more efficient and powerful with the release of its latest version (22.4). It offers more accurate migration email metadata like To, Cc, etc. Also, the tool now manages the migration of duplicate and failed items more efficiently. Moreover, it supports the latest versions of HCL Notes/HCL Domino, including version 12. So, it is a better Notes to Office 365 migration tool. Explore product..

July 06 Latest updates in Kernel for Exchange Server 22.1 are launched

The latest version of Kernel for Exchange Server software is going to help the Office 365 users a lot as it supports multi-factor authentication for highly secured account. It also connected with the mailbox using Modern authentication. So, there is enhancement in Office 365 connectivity module. For better mailbox recovery, it deeply recovers email properties for To, From, and Cc parameters too. Explore product..

July 06 Kernel Data Recovery is launching latest version of Kernel Exchange Suite 22.1

To help the cloud users of Office 365 service, Kernel Data Recovery has added new features in Kernel Exchange Suite where those accounts where multi-factor authentication is enabled, can move data from Exchange database into it. Now, Office 365 account will be connected using new modern authentication method and connectivity will be faster. While recovering email from corrupt EDB files, the software will recover properties for To, From, and Cc in a better manner. Explore product..

May 11 Updated Version of Kernel Office 365 Migration Released

A new version (22.3) of Kernel Office 365 Migration gets released with some major enhancements to its Groups migration feature. In the new version, one can see the Office 365 Groups associated with the user account separately, making the migration easier. Also, the overall performance of the tool has improved after the routine bug fixes and algorithm enhancements. Now the tool offers better support to all Office 365/Microsoft 365 plans too. Thus, Office 365 users have one of the best migration tools for them now. Explore product..

May 11 Updated: Kernel Office 365 Backup & Restore

Now Office 365 users can back up or restore their Groups more easily, after the release of Kernel Office 365 Backup & Restore (22.3). The software interface now shows Office 365 Groups separately, helping in the faster backup and restoration of Office 365 Groups. Also, after some performance improvements and bug fixes, the tool is more efficient and precise too. So, no other tools or complex manual methods are required for the backup/restoration of Office 365. Moreover, it supports all Office 365 plans. Explore product..

May 11 Kernel Import PST to Office 365 (22.3) Released

Good news for all Office 365 users- Kernel Import PST to Office 365 (v. 22.3) released. With its enhanced features for Office 365 Groups, users can now import PST files to Office 365 Groups. Now, Groups are displayed separately and so, importing PST files is easier now. Also, the tool is faster and more accurate with all Office 365 plans. With the improved features, the tool is more useful for all Office 365 users. Explore product..

May 11 Kernel Migrator for SharePoint Gets Updated

A newly updated version (22.2) of Kernel Migrator for SharePoint gets released with many feature additions and performance improvements. With the support for the sequential migration, SharePoint List and Library migrations are smoother now. The new version offers support for Lookup Colum migration and version migration. And now users can schedule the migration even when they are using Modern Authentication. After many bug fixes and algorithm updates, OneDrive and Teams migrations are more efficient and smoother now. Overall, it has become a better SharePoint migration tool. Explore product..

May 11 A new version available for Kernel Migrator for Exchange (Express Edition)

To make Office 365 Groups migration easier, Kernel Data Recovery announces the release of Kernel Migrator for Exchange -Express Edition (v.22.3). In the new version, Office 365 Groups associated with the account can be listed separately. This makes Group migration easier than before. Also, it offers faster and more efficient Office 365 migrations now, that too with all Office 365/Microsoft 365 plans. Explore product..

May 11 A new version announced for Kernel Office 365 Backup

Kernel Office 365 Backup, a popular tool from Kernel Data Recovery, gets updated (version 22.3). In the new version, the backing up of Office 365 Groups is easier as the tool shows them under a separate tab. The tool tasks are faster and more precise too. Also, it supports all Office 365 plans for backup. So, it is a beneficial tool for all Office 365 users. Explore product..

April 29 A special migration software for macOS users of Outlook for Mac

Kernel Data Recovery is launching a much-needed migrator tool designed especially for the Outlook for Mac users. Now, you can migrate your Outlook based data files to Office 365 mailboxes. It is going to create multiple benefits for your business as the email data will be present on cloud where you can access it universally. Explore product..

April 22 A brand-new version of Kernel G Suite to Office 365 from Kernel Data Recovery

Now moving G Suite data towards Office 365 will be a lot easier as new version of Kernel G Suite to Office 365 supports migrating Google Groups too. It can migrate your Google Groups to any subscription plan of Office 365 mailbox. It will also migrate multiple Groups simultaneously with a great protection. A normal migration towards primary mailbox, archive mailbox, and public folder of Office 365 has become faster substantially. Explore product..

April 12 A New Version of Kernel G Suite Backup Tool Released

Good news for G Suite users – the Kernel G Suite Backup tool gets updated with some major improvements and enhancements. The new version (22.3) supports the backup of Google Work Space Groups (Google Groups). Also, it now offers a faster backup of G Suite Contacts and Calendar. The tool is more accurate and efficient after bug fixes and algorithm improvements and supports all G Suite plans. Overall, all Google Workspace users are going to benefit from this update. Explore product..

April 08 Kernel Data Recovery is launching Kernel Mac MBOX Converter tool

MBOX supported email clients like Thunderbird, Apple Mail, PocoMail, Entourage, Postbox, etc. working on macOS can convert their MBOX files to PST file that will work in Windows Outlook application. The software supports more than 20 email clients and convert a single MBOX file securely. The user will get the benefits of applying date filters and exclude empty folders too. The user can mention the name of the destination PST file and save it as a suitable location in mac platform. The process will be completed in mere seconds. Explore product..

March 15 Announces major updates for Kernel Migrator for SharePoint

Kernel Migrator for SharePoint gets a new version (22.1) with some major feature improvements and security additions. For enhanced security, it now uses modern authentication (supported by multi-factor authentication -MFA) for Office 365 logins. So, one can easily connect to all active SharePoint sites by modern authentication or MFA and perform all types of SharePoint migrations including SharePoint to SharePoint Online migration, SharePoint Online to SharePoint Online migration, File Server/File System to SharePoint Online migration, and public folder to SharePoint Online migration. Also, it offers more efficient migration of SharePoint Lists, Library, and Permissions. After some bug fixes and algorithm updates, it now conducts better Microsoft Teams migrations too. Overall, it is a faster and more precise tool for SharePoint migrations. Explore product..

March 15 Releases New Version of Kernel Migrator for Exchange - Express Edition

The release of the new version (22.2) of Kernel Migrator for Exchange -Express Edition gets announced. The Group migration facility has improved considerably in the new version. It also has many feature enhancements and algorithm updates that ensure seamless and smooth Exchange/Office 365 migrations in all scenarios. Some bug fixes also have contributed to the efficiency and precision of the tool. Moreover, it is more supportive of all Exchange versions and Office 365/Microsoft 365 plans. With the latest update, Kernel Data Recovery is hopeful of meeting the migration requirements of all Exchange and Office 365 users. Explore product..

March 15 Kernel Office 365 Migration – Version 22.2 Released

Office 365 migrations are now simple and easy with the updated version (22.2) of Kernel Office 365 Migration. The migration of Office 365 Groups has become easier and faster in the latest version after the feature enhancement. Overall accuracy and efficiency of the tool have improved after some bug fixes and algorithm updates. And it now seamlessly supports all Office plans. Kernel Data Recovery is confident that all Office 365/Microsoft 365 users are going to benefit from these updates. Explore product..

March 03 Kernel G Suite Backup – A New Version Released

Kernel G Suite Backup (version 22.1) gets released with many enhancements and added features. It now offers faster and more accurate backup of Contacts and Calendar items. The precision and speed of the backup process also have improved considerably after some minor bug fixes and algorithm improvements. The tool now offers splitting up of large G Suite mailboxes to save them in multiple PST files. And the new version supports all G Suite/Google Workspace plans more effectively. Overall, the new version is great for G Suite backup requirements. Explore product..

Feb 03 Kernel Data Recovery has updated Kernel Import PST to Office 365 22.1

Kernel Data Recovery has been updating its Office 365 related software series and today it updated an important software – Kernel Import PST to Office 365. Now, the Outlook users can move their data files to Office 365 with great speed and more accuracy. The latest version of software has seen better changes the software to accommodate large PST files in any version of Office 365. Explore product..

Feb 03 New and better Kernel Office 365 Backup & Restore 22.1

Kernel Office 365 Backup & Restore is an important software for many businesses that use the software to keep backup/restore their professional mailboxes. Now, Kernel Data Recovery has updated the software so that it will take minimum time in saving the data in PST files and also stores PST files in Office 365 mailboxes in a better way. Explore product..

Feb 03 The latest launch of Kernel Office 365 Backup 22.1

Kernel Data Recovery has upgraded the important backup software for Office 365 platform. The latest version of Kernel Office 365 Backup 22.1 has become more efficient in accessing Office 365 mailboxes deeply and safely place them in PST files. The transfer speed from mailboxes to PST has been increased substantially to save multiple mailboxes in the minimum time. Explore product..

Jan 24 A better and bold Kernel G Suite to Office 365 22.1

There is good news for cloud users as Kernel Data Recovery has upgraded its special migrator software with better changes. Kernel G Suite to Office 365 22.1 allows the Super Administrator to migrate contacts and calendar details to Office 365 accounts in an unlimited manner. The migration will be quicker than ever before and the OWA calendar preview has become enhanced too. Explore product..

Jan 07 Kernel G Suite to Amazon WorkMail gets updated

Kernel G Suite to Amazon WorkMail gets a new version (Version 22.1) which offers many improvements, especially related to the migration of Calendar and Contacts. After the algorithm updates and bug fixes, the new version offers smoother and faster G Suite to WorkMail migrations. Also, the new version offers better support to all Google Workspace and Amazon WorkMail plans. So, it is now a complete G Suite to Amazon WorkMail migration tool. Explore product..

Jan 07 A new version of Kernel G Suite to Office 365 released

Google Workspace to Office 365 migrations are now more efficient with the new version (Version 22.1) of Kernel G Suite to Office 365. In the new version Calendar and Contacts migrations have improved considerably. Also, the tool is faster and more accurate after the algorithm improvements and minor bug fixes. It now offers better support to all G Suite and Office 365 plans as well. So, as per Kernel Data Recovery sources, it has become the best tool for G Suite to Office 365 migrations. Explore product..

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