Most recent back news and updates of this year
DEC 21 Launch of the Kernel Recovery for Tape and Kernel Recovery for ZIP

Kernel for Tape recovers all the damaged data from all types of corrupted tape cartridges like DLT, AIT, LTO, and DAT tape formats. Missing and deleted files can be easily recovered with the help of the software.

Kernel for Zip recovers files from your corrupted zip folders. These files generally get corrupted due to incomplete downloads, virus attacks or CRC errors.

The software supports recovery from zip files which are compressed using WinZip or any other compression utility.

DEC 16 Launch of Kernel for BKF

You have performed backup of all your important data and files. But those backups get corrupted due to virus attacks or unexpected system shutdown. To recover these damaged backup files, Nucleus has introduced Kernel for BKF.

Kernel for BKF repairs all the BKF archives and CRC errors. All the backed up files are recovered in a short span of time.

OCT 21 Launch of two Database Recovery software's Your database files have been damaged or corrupted. Now what to do?

The solution is here. Nucleus Data has launched two ranges of database recovery softwares; Kernel for DBF and Kernel for Paradox to recover your data and files Kernel for DBF repairs corrupted DBF database files. The software effectively repairs the Microsoft Visual Foxpro (.dbf) databases and dBase database files.

Kernel for Paradox repairs your corrupted .DB paradox database files. The software recovers the damaged tables or table data of the paradox database in an easy and simple way. The efficiency and effectiveness of both of the softwares is proven by the easy to use user interface and minimal technical skill sets needed for restoring DBF and Paradox database files by using this software.

OCT 10 Nucleus gains the ISO 9001:2000 Certification

Nucleus, the provider of world class Software Solutions and Data Recovery has been acknowledged with the prestigious ISO 9001: 2000 quality certification from the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ).

JAS-ANZ found Nucleus as a premier organization in providing the best data and file recovery solutions. This certification proves to be a morale builder for the employees of Nucleus and encourages them to take the company to growing heights.

OCT 06 Launch of Kernel for Outlook Express

Kernel for Outlook Express recovers deleted, damaged or corrupted mailbox files. Mails are successfully recovered from the Outlook Express 5.0 (.DBX Files) versions and above. The QFSCI technology ensures fast recovery of all the lost or deleted mails. The software is fast, simple, easy and gives a supported hand to your growing business needs.

SEP 29 Improved version of Kernel for Macintosh

The upgraded version of the Kernel for Macintosh data recovery software recovers the deleted, damaged or formatted mac drives data. The improved version now effectively recovers the deleted or formatted partitions. Kernel for Macintosh supports recovery from all the OS; Apple Mac OS X, Apple Mac OS 9.0 and higher versions.

SEP 19 Advanced Novell data recovery for Traditional and NSS volumes

The improved version of the Nucleus Kernel for Novell Traditional and Novell NSS now recovers the Novell compressed files also. Some bugs and problems have been fixed, thus making Kernel Novell easy and simple to use software. The supported file types are, NWFS, Net386 file systems, and the NSS file systems.

AUG 28 Release of the Digital Media Recovery software

The Nucleus Kernel for Digital Media recovers all your images (.bmp,.jpeg,.gif etc.), which gets lost due to several reasons like file deletion, format of the drive etc. The main advantage of this software is its functionality. It can work with any type of digital card reader or storage media that appears as a drive letter in your computer.

AUG 28 Upgraded version of Kernel Linux for Ext2, Ext3 partitions

Kernel for Linux data recovery software recovers the damaged data and files from your Linux hard drive. This software recovers the deleted partitions and damaged super blocks, inode tables, group descriptor blocks. The drives supported by the software are; IDE, SCSI, EIDE, SATA, PAN, USB and Firewire drive.

AUG 16 Introduced MS Office files repair software

MS Office file repair software introduced by Nucleus is helpful software for your corrupted MS office MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Access data files. This software supports all new versions of the related software. Each of the software viz, Kernel for Word, Kernel for Excel, Kernel for PowerPoint and Kernel for Access are fast and easy to use utilities to recover data from your damaged office files.

JUN 06 New improved version of Data recovery software to ease the practice of Data Recovery

Nucleus, a premier leader in providing professional data recovery software tools and repairing utilities, has introduced its new improved version - Nucleus Kernel for FAT & NTFS-4.03. The software designed to recover the deleted, corrupted windows FAT and NTFS partitions is far more simple and user friendly than its previous version-4.02. This version equipped with a new feature Save Snapshot, saves the time required for scanning your hard disk drive. Kernel for FAT & NTFS-4.03 with improved functionality prevents the process of re-scanning your damaged hard disk drive. The Evaluation version allows you to save the scan results by using the Save Recovery Snapshot option and stores results in the .nkfn file format. While using the Full version, you only need to load the saved (.nkfn) file and the software immediately displays data of your hard disk drive which can be recovered.

To ensure fast recovery of your desired corrupted data, QFSCI (Quick File System Component Identification) technology has been pioneered in the software. Hence this enhanced version saves your valuable time to perform the task of scanning again in Full Version of the software.

JUN 06 Launch of Kernel for Undelete- Deleted files Recovery Software

The Kernel Undelete- A software for deleted files recovery has been established to help you to recover your deleted or lost data and files from the FAT and NTFS based operating systems. The software performs a complete scan of the damaged drive or data to locate and restore the lost partitions, files and folders of your hard disk drive. The QFSCI technology ensures fast recovery of all the possible recoverable data.

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