Step 1: Use the Browse option on the Welcome Screen to add the OST file from the system drive.

Welcome Screen to add the OST file

Step 2: Select the desired OST file from the system drive to add it.

Select the desired OST file from the system drive

Step 3: Move to the import process after the addition of the file.

Move to the import process

Step 4: Read the instructions and continue.

Read the instructions and continue

Step 5: Have a preview of the retrieved mailbox folder items.

Have a preview of the retrieved mailbox folder items

Step 6: Choose Gmail as the saving destination.

Choose Gmail as the saving destination

Step 7: Confirm Gmail as the destination for importing the OST file.

Confirm Gmail as the destination for importing the OST file

Step 8: Choose desired filter options for moving specific OST content.

Choose desired filter options for moving specific OST content

Step 9: Add the destination Gmail account login credentials – User name and the password.

Add the destination Gmail account login credentials – User name and the password.

Step 10: View the OST import progress live.

View the OST import progress live.

Step 11: Import of OST file to the selected Gmail account is completed successfully.

Import of OST file to the selected Gmail account is completed successfully.
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