Industry : Auto Parts Supply Chain
Location: BrazilThe admin Thomaz Guazzelli was in charge of Nifast do Brazil IT department, who need to import multiple PST files to Office 365 that were created from old mailboxes. But, doing so manually wasn’t easy at all, as the procedure was too long. Thus, Nifast was looking for a solution that can quickly import PST files to Office 365 mailboxes.
To secure their data and migrate it to Office 365, the admin used the PST file to Office 365 migration tool, which helped me import almost every file to office 365 mailboxes quickly. The software not only helped the company in migration, but it also allowed them to recover data from corrupt PST files. Moreover, after completing the import process, the software allowed the admin to save the report in a CSV format so that it can be analyzed what items are being migrated.