German Sales Agency is a Germany-based sales company that provides sales and service support for the global companies engaged in IT sectors. With MS Outlook dominance in the market, German Sales Agency decided to quit from the Lotus Notes platform and enter into MS Outlook platform. Due to the inability of inbuilt facility in Lotus Notes, technical assistance from external agency was referred.
German Sales Agency

Completely satisfied with the solution as we were able to migrate all mailboxes from Lotus Notes into MS Outlook.

Roman Ociepka

Germany-based sales company that provides sales and service support

Industry : Information Technology

Location: Germany

The reason of migration from Lotus Notes to MS Outlook was not all of sudden. German Sales Agency had few systems which were working on MS Outlook platforms, while most of the systems were Lotus Notes based. The other reason for cribbing out Lotus Platform was the maintenance cost and employees’ response. Upon calculations, it was found that the maintenance cost of Lotus Platform is much higher than Outlook. Finally, German Sales Agency decided to quit from Notes and head towards Outlook.


The idea of migration was based on quick accessibility and technical divergence features observed in Outlook platforms. German Sales Agency was not in condition to lose the data as there was no backup available. The client decided to take assistance of Kernel Data Recovery tool. As the tool was installed, the NSF folders falling in specific criteria were migrated to Outlook PST. The best feature was renaming of Outlook folders corresponding to Lotus Notes mailboxes. The huge sized mailboxes were migrated to PST in an effortless and effective manner.

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