KPG is an interdisciplinary design firm specialized in dealing with municipal projects in United States. The client come across the situation, when its employee Ed Poyneer was unable to mount the Exchange database to the running Server. Each time, when the client tried to mount the database, the client encountered theerror message: “An internal processing error has occurred. Try restarting the Exchange System Manager or theMicrosoft Exchange Information Store service, or both“.

Completely satisfied with the performance of the tool, as it helped to migrate data from Microsoft Exchange 2010 to Office 365 successfully.


Specializes in Architecture & Planning

Industry : Architecture & Planning

Location: Seattle, Washington

After unsuccessful attempt of trying various alternatives(even Microsoft DPM) to restore and mount the database, the client then approached to Kernel Data Recovery Company to restore the Exchange Server database files without any loss of data. The KDR team analyzed that the problem of occurring of error messageand found that such error usually get displayed when the current Exchange log files gets deleted or removed.


Soon after analyzing the client’s issue, the Kernel Data Recovery team gathered all the necessary data to fix the client’s problem. For this, the team first tried testing the problem on Microsoft inbuilt utility –ESEUTIL and run the following command on the command prompt:

c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\eseutil /mh "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\name of Exchange database.edb"

After reading the repair count attribute, the team then jumped to next stage, to find out whether there was any inconsistency in the public and private folders of the database, by running the following commands:

To evaluate the consistency for public information store:

c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin < eseutil /mh "drive:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\pub1.edb"

To evaluate the consistency for private information store:

c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin < eseutil /mh "drive:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb"

After reviewing the outcomes, the team found out the inconsistency in the database. Hence came to the conclusion that the log files may not have been committed to the database, such as due to dirty shutdown state. The KDR team tried Exchange Recovery software to fix up the annoying issues of Exchange Server database.

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