Work from home tools & tips for employees

Read time: 3 minutes

The 2020 pandemic has compelled most of the offices to go to work from home. This has increased the luxury and comfort of employees. But many people believe that working from home has decreased efficiency and productivity. But this is not entirely the case as you still can go for employee monitoring.

In this blog, we shall discuss some effective tips and tools that are proven to boost work from home productivity. Many of you might believe that working from home tends to reduce productivity as you are in your comfort zone. But this is not always true. You need to understand certain tactics and methods that help in boosting productivity. A well-organized and executed routine can help in efficient and effective working.

Let’s learn some of the tricks and know about the popular tools that can help in making work from home easy and efficient.

Work from home – some tips

Work from home common tools

Below is the list of top tools that most companies require for their remote teams.


Above were some important tricks and tools that you must have to make your work from home successful. We have another software from Kernel Employee Desktop Live Viewer. This tool works effectively to capture all work-from-home activities. It works as a great motivator to keep you on track during working hours like you can even monitor employee Skype chat conversations. Apart from capturing the idle hours, it also helps in early risk detection to prevent errors and achieve accuracy.