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Office 365 Groups allow you to easily collaborate with co-workers. But before you can start collaborating, you need to create a Group. One important decision that you’ll need to make when creating your Group is how to name it. In this blog, we’ll share some good practices for Office 365 Groups. With these best practices, you’ll be able to create Groups that are easy to find and use. Let’s get started!

Office 365 naming policies: Best practices

It can be tough to give a good name for your Office 365 Group and it is even more difficult than to find old emails in Office 365. You need something that is unique and representative of the team, but you also need to follow the naming policy. But please note that enforcing a naming policy for groups needs an Azure Active Directory Premium P1 license.

Here are 5 best practices for naming your Office 365 Groups:

  • Keep it Simple
    When creating a naming policy for Office 365 Groups, keep it as simple as possible. A common rule is to use no more than two or three different hierarchy levels in your naming policy. That way, users will be less likely to make mistakes when finding and using new groups.

    Keep your Office 365 Group names short so that they are easy to remember and type. Avoid long, convoluted names for your Office 365 Groups. This may make it hard for users to remember the group name, and search for groups later on.

  • Use Descriptive Names
    Use descriptive names for your Office 365 Groups so that users will know what the Group is for at a glance. For example, consider using a more specific name that users can identify with instead of using a generic name.

    Many organizations use specific names for their departments. It is good to have those names in Group names as users are already familiar with them. So there won’t be any confusion.

  • Avoid Special Characters
    Avoid using special characters in your Office 365 Group names, as they can cause problems when trying to access the Group later on. When creating a policy, stick to standard alphanumeric characters to avoid potential issues. For example, if a group name contains an ampersand (&), you may have difficulty opening the Group in the Office 365 Groups app. Also, Office 365 doesn’t allow a hyphen (-) or period (.) at the end or beginning of the Group name. Some Office 365 applications like Yammer don’t support some special characters like ], [, <, >, #, and @ in Group names. So Yammer users will not be able to access groups with these special characters.
  • Use Consistent Naming Conventions
    Use consistent naming conventions for your Office 365 Groups so that users will know what to expect when they create new groups. Once you’ve created a naming policy for your Office 365 Groups, make sure to stick to it.

    Consistency is the key for creating names that people can easily remember and search for. Avoid using different naming conventions for different groups; instead, use the same format for all of your Office 365 Groups.Use Consistent Naming Conventions

    You can also have suffixes or prefixes in a specified format so that the group name conveys everything about the Group, like purpose, geographic location, and department. For example, you could use conventions like: “Department – Project Name.” This will help users to identify the purpose of each Group quickly.

  • Don’t Forget the Importance of Enforcement
    Even the best policy is good only when it is implemented. Make sure there are clear procedures for dealing with violations and that all users are aware of them. Consistent enforcement will help ensure that the policy is followed and respected by all. Moreover, these practices are quite important when you look to manually configure Office 365 account in Outlook.Don't Forget the Importance of Enforcement

    If you need enforce it through Azure Active Directory, you need to have a premium license for the same. You can configure the naming policy in the Azure AD admin center.

Want to backup Office 365 Groups?

After going through the best practices for Office 365 group naming policies, we must not forget how essential it is to keep a backup of your Office 365 data, including Office 365 Groups. Here we are with the best Kernel Office 365 Backup and Restore tool to meet your backup needs and more.

This tool offers unlimited backup of Office 365 data, including Groups. One can back up single or multiple Office 365 Groups at a time. Moreover, it’s compatible with all plans of Office 365. Also, this utility can convert Office 365 distribution group members to CSV inbuilt files.backup Office 365 Groups

Final Words

Group naming policies are important for all Office 365 organizations. By following the best practices in this article, you can create a policy that will help your organization be more productive and organized. If you need help with a group naming policy, this blog will assist you.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive solution to protect your data from Ransomware Attacks and to export Office 365 to PST, including Groups, Kernel Office 365 Backup is excellent. It provides a granular backup of Office 365 Groups in minutes. So, try the demo version for free and try today.

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