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Summary: The article discusses Windows 10’s clipboard history, which can store up to 25 items. It highlights a manual method to access clipboard history and introduces Kernel Employee Desktop Live Viewer, a comprehensive employee monitoring software with features like internet monitoring, log recording, application reports, and email activity tracking. This tool offers user-friendliness and data security for businesses.

The clipboard is a fundamental component of computer operating systems, essential for cutting, copying, and pasting various items. In earlier versions, it held only one item. However, in Windows 10, the clipboard can store up to 25 items, encompassing images, text, links, and more, each with a size limit of less than 4 MB.

In 2018, Windows 10 introduced a clipboard history feature, allowing users to store and access up to 25 copied or pasted items.

Here, we would perform various tasks using a Windows clipboard.

Manual method to log clipboard entries in windows 10

Step 1: Click the Start button and select Settings.select setting
Step 2: Click System.go to system
Step 3: Select Clipboard from the navigation pane on the left.select Clipboard
Step 4: Now, you can view the clipboard history anytime by pressing Windows + V in any program.view the clipboard history

The manual method of logging clipboard entries on Windows is a tedious task and does not guarantee accurate performance. To cater to the quality needs and to keep track of every command on the computer, we have specially designed employee monitoring software that works wonders.

An example of such software is the Kernel Employee Desktop Live Viewer. This exceptional employee monitoring tool monitors all computer activities by capturing periodic screenshots of the screen. It also efficiently manages outdated monitoring logs in HTML format without altering employee data.

This employee monitoring tool offers a plethora of features, and a few noteworthy ones include:

  • Internet Monitoring
    This software meticulously track of all the internet activities, encompassing browsing history, recently visited pages, and the latest online actions.
  • Consolidated Log Recording
    The tool maintains a comprehensive log of various employee activities, comprising keystroke logs, internet activity logs, application history logs, clipboard logs, email history logs, and printed document logs.
  • Access Application Reports
    This employee monitoring software efficiently records all user-accessed applications, providing details such as application name, launch time, and executable path for easy reference.
  • Monitors Email Activity
    The software offers comprehensive email details, encompassing date, time, subject, attachments, and more. Additionally, it enables the review of the content of every sent or received email.
  • No change in data
    One of the tool’s standout features is its discreet operation, remaining hidden from employees while efficiently performing tasks without detection. It ensures no changes to employee data, file alterations, or data leakage risks.
  • User-friendly interface
    The software boasts an interactive, user-friendly interface that is straightforward to navigate. It provides easy access to all major functions directly from the home screen.


Clipboard history is a significant Windows 10 feature. However, a notable limitation is that it allows copying multiple items but only pasting them one at a time. To address this limitation, Kernel has developed a dedicated tool specifically designed to address this issue.

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