G Suite Backup and Migration Checklist

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G Suite users store their professional data on various google cloud applications and services. The cloud gives you the flexibility to use services and applications as per your requirement. The biggest advantage of G Suite cloud is that you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription as per the circumstances. However, Google cloud data is vulnerable to various security threats. Google offers a number of security features for saving the data even when the data center is affected by external threats or issues. Also, many user errors create data loss or data inaccessibility situations. So, data backup is a necessary job for Google cloud administrators.

Reasons for G Suite Backup

There are various reasons why G Suite administrators and users think of backing up their data. Here are some of them:

G Suite Backup

For the backup of G Suite data, you need to use the Kernel G Suite Backup tool. It has all the necessary features and minimal user-interface. It can take the backup of multiple user accounts with the Super Administrator account and apply the filters to the data. Also, many output formats are available for saving the data.

G Suite to Office 365 Migration

For enterprise-level uses, the benefits of Office 365 exceed those of G Suite, and so many G Suite users migrate to Office 365 using the manual methods. But it requires much preparation and adjustment before starting the migration. Here is a checklist for both the platforms that you should know for efficient preparation of the migration.

G Suite
Mail Filter/Rules, automatic reply settings, vacation settings will not be migrated.
Meeting Rooms Booked room information will not be migrated.
Calendars Google Hangout links, cloud attachments, shared calendars, event colors will not be migrated.
Contacts Only three email addresses per contact will be migrated.
Contacts Custom tags, contact URLs, and Gmail tags will not be migrated.
Office 365
Permissions You need to assign full Access Permissions before the migration.
SSL Certificates Get trustworthy SSL certificates for Outlook Anywhere.
Migration Testing Migrate some small mailboxes before running the total migration.

Why professional tools for migration?

The limitations of both the cloud platforms make the migration a challenging task. You also need to create the new user accounts and their mailboxes in Office 365 to receive the data from G Suite. And, you should use Kernel G Suite to Office 365 tool to get the migration done easily. There are no size, speed, or data migration limitations with the tool, and you can migrate unlimited data in a single migration attempt. During the account selection, you can map the source and destination account for proper migration. There is no requirement to run any post-migration tasks after successful completion.