Exchange Server error 2140

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Summary: Errors in Exchange Server can hamper everyday communication and collaboration among employees within an organization. Exchange Server error 2140 is one of these errors that restricts users from accessing it. It’s imperative to troubleshoot and resolve such errors in a timely manner. This article shares how to manually resolve Exchange Server error 2140 and use Kernel for Exchange Server Recovery, a professional tool that troubleshoots related errors.

Exchange Server throws up several errors while working on it due to several reasons. These errors have the tendency to disrupt the workflow and productivity of an organization. Some common Exchange errors include Exchange error 4999, 2140, Exchange Jet Engine Errors 1022 and1018, 1068, and others.

Sometimes, when Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent (MTA) service is trying to be started following error message is displayed on your computer screen:

Could not start the Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent service on \\ServerName. Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occurred.

To resolve the preceding error message, when you run the MTA database integrity checker utility (Mtacheck.exe) then in place of resolving the error, the utility displays the following error message.

Database contains serious errors and cannot be automatically repaired

Apart from the aforementioned error message, following events are recorded in the application event log:

Event ID: 2152:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MSExchangeMTA
Event Category: Operating System

Description MSExchangeMTA – A fatal database error occurred, the database recovery operation was not successful, and manual correction will be required. Details can be found in the file: drive: \Exchsrvr\Mtadata\.\MTACHECK.OUT\MTACHECK.LOG. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services. [DB Server MAIN BASE 1 14] (16)

Event ID:2127
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MSExchangeMTA
Event Category: Operating System

Description: An MTA database server error was encountered. Error accessing object attribute (AAT) on a Read/Write operation. Filename: drive:\Exchsrvr\Mtadata\.\DB000068.DAT. File operation: 0. Operating system error: 2127. Referenced object: OPEN (00000000 => N/A). Referenced object error 00000000. [0 DB Server OPERATOR 22] (14)

Event ID:2155
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MSExchangeMTA
Event Category: Internal Processing

Description: An MTA database server error was encountered. Failed to read attribute information (AAT) for object 01000068. Database server error code: 2127. [DB Server OPERATOR 22 29] (14)

Event: 2187
Source: MTA
Type: Warning
Cat: Internal Processing

Description: An MTA database server error was encountered while attempting to unlock an object which is not locked. Called from MTA. Procedure 460. Object at fault: 06000174. [DB Server DISP: ROUTER 16 58] (14)

Event ID: 2219
Source: MSExchangeMTA
Category: Field Engineering

Description: The MTA is running recovery on the internal message database because the MTA was not shut down cleanly. This operation may take some time. Status updates will be written to the Windows NT Event Log. [%1 %2 %3 %4] (14)

Reason for error message

The previously mentioned error message occurs due to the wrong path value of MTA database in Windows registry.

A possible cause of this error is that the Exchange Server account is not assigned with the necessary rights to the Winnt\System32 (%SystemRoot%\System32) directory. The service account must have appropriate permissions to modify this directory for changing the Mapisvc.inf file that exists in SystemRoot%System32 directory.

Solution to resolve Exchange Server error 2140

To get rid of the Exchange Server error 2140 , you should edit the registry for specifying correct path of MTA database. Following steps help you specify correct value of MTA database location in Windows registry:

  1. Click Start > Run. The Open dialog box appears.
  2. Type regedit in the Run window and click OK.
  3. Locate the following registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeMTA\Parameters\MTA Database Path
  4. Double-click the located registry entry and specify the correct MTA database location in the Value data box.
  5. Now, locate the following registry entry:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeMTA\Parameters\MTA Run Directory
  6. Double-click the located entry and verify the location of MTA Run Directory in the Value data box.
  7. Click Exit to close the registry editor.
  8. Restart the Exchange Server.

This process must resolve error 2140, however, it might be complicated and confusing especially for non-technical users. It explains the increasing demand of Exchange Server recovery tools for handling Exchange Server related errors.


In case, the problem persists even after executing the preceding steps, you can take help of Kernel for Exchange Server recovery software. The software quickly scans the Exchange database file and automatically fixes all the problems. The software performs EDB file recovery and supports Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003, and 2007. EDB to PST software, restore exchange mailboxes and save them to PST files.