Convert Exchange Mailbox type using Exchange Shell commands

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Converting one type of mailbox to another type is possible in Exchange environment, and you can complete the task with the help of Set-Mailbox command in the Exchange Management Shell. Here are the types of mailbox(es) which you can convert in Exchange –

Now, There are Different Types Conversions Which You Can Perform Using the Exchange Shell Commands

Convert the type of mailbox using Exchange Management Shell

To convert the type of mailbox and its password, use the following cmdlet –

Set-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdentity> -Type <Regular | Room | Equipment | Shared> [-Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String ‘<Password>’ -AsPlainText -Force)] [-EnableRoomMailboxAccount <$true | $false> [-RoomMailboxPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String ‘<Password>’ -AsPlainText -Force)] [-ResetPasswordOnNextLogon <$true | $false>]

For example:

Set-Mailbox -Identity “DB022121” -Type Shared [-Password (ConvertTo-SecureString – String ‘12345’)] [-ResetPasswordOnNextLogon <$true>]

To change the type of the mailbox only –

Set-Mailbox -Identity “DB43232324” -Type Shared