Category: Monitoring Software

Manisha Rawat Manisha Rawat Updated On - May 21, 2024

Monitoring Software

Monitor employees PC activity without their knowledge

The need for a monitoring software arises when employees are not as hard-working and loyal as expected. Sometimes, employees stop…

Manisha Rawat Aftab Alam Updated On - May 21, 2024

Monitoring Software

Why stealth monitoring is necessary to manage your workforce?

For an organization, security of its data and productivity of its workforce are highly important. Losing control of any of…

Manisha Rawat Siddharth Rawat Updated On - May 21, 2024

Monitoring Software

How to secure your kids from internet addiction & associated cyber risks?

Modern kids are technically adept, and they are well equipped with latest technologies that are cackling in the market with…

Manisha Rawat Aftab Alam Updated On - May 21, 2024

Monitoring Software

How to prevent misuse of your business data?

Security of vital business information is a foremost need for every organization. This information may be stored on multiple computers,…

Manisha Rawat Aftab Alam Updated On - May 21, 2024

Monitoring Software

Using employee activity monitoring as a powerful strategy for risk management

Businesses do not establish overnight but can get ruined overnight. It is a proven fact that employees play a vital…