Category: Computer Tips and Tricks

Abhishek Pandey Abhishek Pandey Updated On - October 05, 2023

Computer Tips and Tricks

BitLocker to go encrypts portable flash drives in Windows 7

Initially, BitLocker was introduced in Windows Vista that would only encrypt the root operating system drive. With the advancement in…

Abhishek Pandey Bob Maria Updated On - October 05, 2023

Computer Tips and Tricks

Change the way files to be shared in a Homegroup - Windows 7

A Homegroup created in Windows 7 makes file document sharing and printer sharing, an easy task within your home network….

Abhishek Pandey Akash Tiwari Updated On - October 05, 2023

Computer Tips and Tricks

How to create a keyboard shortcut to access hidden Desktop icons and files?

Introduction The Software icons present in the Desktop make it easier to access the software without opening the applications menu….

Abhishek Pandey Ruchika Srichand Updated On - October 05, 2023

Computer Tips and Tricks

How to fix account control gadget conflict in Windows 7?

Windows 7, the latest operating system, has eliminated the Windows Sidebar and placed the gadgets directly on to the desktop….

Abhishek Pandey Akash Tiwari Updated On - October 05, 2023

Computer Tips and Tricks

Troubleshoot network and Internet related issues in Windows 7

Windows 7 is the latest operating system from Microsoft Corporation, which is embedded with various new features to provide you…

Abhishek Pandey Akash Tiwari Updated On - October 06, 2023

Computer Tips and Tricks

Disable the system tray in Windows 7

Introduction The System tray in Windows 7 is the usable space present in the Desktop containing the icons of several…