Category: Data Recovery

Pritam Majumdar Pritam Majumdar Updated On - October 09, 2023

Data Recovery

Tips to recover deleted PPT file & Windows files

Yesterday I had a PPT Presentation in my office. However, night before; I switched my computer on to perform a…

Pritam Majumdar Manisha Rawat Updated On - October 05, 2023

Data Recovery

How to import VHD file to Hyper-V?

Hyper-V is a virtualization platform launched by Microsoft in 2008 and since after that Microsoft has launched many new releases…

Pritam Majumdar Yatendra Singh Updated On - October 09, 2023

Data Recovery

Free methods to recover deleted files from Windows 10

File recovery after deletion of the file(s) or folder(s) done either knowingly or mistakenly sometimes, turns into a horrible dream….

Pritam Majumdar Pooja Chaudhary Updated On - October 05, 2023

Data Recovery

Auto-Mount a VHD/VHDX file at startup in windows 10 & 8.1

Computers with Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 can be mounted with a virtual hard disk (VHDX or VHD) with a…

Pritam Majumdar Manisha Rawat Updated On - October 09, 2023

Data Recovery

How to recover files from a broken computer?

Any physical or logical damage to your computer may give you nightmares about whether you can get your data back…

Pritam Majumdar Pooja Chaudhary Updated On - December 21, 2023

Data Recovery

Three methods to disable AutoRun in Windows 10

Are you a Windows 10 user? If yes, you should consider yourself lucky, as Windows 10 gives you many amazing…